DOC Cape Brett, Light Keepers House

Client:                      Department of Conservation
Location:                Cape Brett, Bay of Islands
Project Value:       Undisclosed
Sector:                    Institutional, 3 Waters
Completion:          2021


GWE was commissioned by the Department of Conservation to provide engineering design and engineer to the contract services for the improvement of infrastructure for remote DoC huts. 

The works drew upon the extensive geotechnical, 3 waters and project management expertise GWE has developed to provide an innovative and sustainable solution.  The projects were complete for the summer 2020/2021 with composting

toilet tanks mounted upon rails and solar powered desalinisation units. 

The infrastructure improvements will vastly decrease the level of maintenance each hut will require and provide an environmentally sustainable product.

The challenges are all too apparent for these projects with restricted access, sometimes only possibly by helicopter and limited by the extreme climatic conditions.  GWE is looking forward to providing continued professional services for the construction phase.


  • Geotechnical
  • Wastewater
  • Potable Water
  • Project Management