Taemaro Bay Residence, Rockfall Protection Works
Location: Taemaro Bay, Northland
Project Value: Undisclosed
Sector: Residential, 3 Waters
Completion: 2021
A large beach-front residential development near the toe of a very steep and rocky cliff slope.
Preliminary stability analysis results suggested that any deep excavation into the toe of the steep cliff slope would be detrimental site stability and be cost prohibitive. This building location was repositioned away from the cliff, thus allowing for a geotechnically cost-effective solution to be developed.
There still remained a rockfall risk should rocks dislodge from the herring bone cliff slopes. A detailed geomorphological assessment was conducted in conjunction with
In collaboration with the architect and structural engineer, GWE provided the sound design advice at Resource Consent stage with minimal additional design for Building Consent.
- Geotechnical site investigation, on-site wastewater/stormwater design and management.
- Geotechnical design analysis to confirm foundation and rockfall protection.
- Earthworks, foundation and rockfall barrier fence supervision during construction.