Staff, family and friends of GWE attended a formal naming and blessing ceremony for their two new meeting rooms yesterday. We were honoured to have Rev Hannah Pomare, amongst others, join us to lead the ceremony.
GWE : Our Blog
GWE Consulting Ltd Acquires Hamilton-Based Mark T Mitchell Ltd and Geocon Geotechnical Ltd
GWE Consulting Ltd is pleased to announce the acquisition of Hamilton based Mark T Mitchell Ltd...
GWE Announces Its New Shareholders/Technical Directors
GWE is delighted to announce the appointment of Patrick O’Riordan and Tobias Francis as shareholders/technical directors.
Fast-Tracked Resource Consent – Ōmāhu Apartment Development
Resource consents have recently been granted to undertake a substantial, high-quality, master...
Introducing Our New Website
Our last website was launched in 2015 and a lot has changed since then. We have tripled our team...
GWE Expands its Land Development Expertise in New Zealand
GWE has increased its expertise and service offering with the appointment of new leaders in land...
Decarbonising Projects Gather Pace for GWE
GWE is pleased to announce an expanding in-house team that is focused on decarbonising...
GWE Consultants Ltd Celebrates its 10th Anniversary
This year marks the 10th anniversary of GWE Consulting Limited – and wow, what a journey! The...
GWE Establishes New Role of Water Sector Leader
Understanding more about the upcoming Drinking Water reform, and how it…